Montana Loon Society Annual Membership Levels
Pay Through Paypal
A Montana Loon Society Membership can be obtained by using PayPal, a quick and easy way to join.
Choose “Donate” below. Then choose your level of membership amount on the next screen and select “Donate with Paypal (if you have an account) or Debit or Credit card.
Pay By Check
Montana Loon Society
P.O. Box 2386
Missoula, MT 59806
Montana Loon License Plate


All items are printed with the Montana Loon Society logo.
T-shirt sizes including small, medium, large, extra-large, and 2X.
Hats are one size and only available in tan at this time.
Orders can be placed using PayPal, above, or by sending a check or money order to:
Montana Loon Society
P.O. Box 2386 Missoula,
MT 59806
- Spring Loon Day Count/Survey – the closest Saturday to May 15
- Summer Loon Day Count/Survey – the closest Saturday to July 15
- CLWG Summer Meeting – usually the week following the Saturday July Loon Day Count. (Contact Us for the location and date each year.)
- September or Early October—MLS Annual Board and Membership Meetings – usually in late September or early October. (Contact Us for the location and date each year.)

The Montana Loon Society supports the work of other common loon organizations in Canada and our nation. To see how other places care for their common loons, click on these links.
Canada: Canadian Lakes Loon Survey | Birds Canada | Oiseaux Canada
Alaska: Loons & Grebes | Alaska Region (fws.gov)
Maine and New Hampshire – Biodiversity Research Institute: Loon Program – Biodiversity Research
Institute | Portland, ME USA (briloon.org) http://briloon.org
Massachusetts: gavia-immer.pdf (mass.gov)
Michigan: MLPA (michiganloons.org)
Minnesota: Common loon | Minnesota DNR (state.mn.us)
Montana: Common Loon | Montana FWP (mt.gov)
New Hampshire: Loon Preservation Committee
New York: Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation (adkloon.org)
Washington State: Common Loon | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Wisconsin: LoonWatch – Northland College
Wyoming: The Loon Restoration Project – Ricketts Conservation Foundation
The following is a collection of articles and information on common loons.

Loon Articles:
- American Bird Conservancy, Species Profile: Common Loon, by Lynn Kelly
- The Uncommon Loon,
by Amy Hetrick Jacobs.
Online Articles of Interest
Funding Wildlife Programs
Loon Health
- Loons fall from the sky in Wisconsin; late April cold snap to blame | MPR News
- Tufts School of Veterinarian Medicine, Wildlife Medicine Program: Loon Health and Mortality – Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
- Loon Safe: Loons and Lead – LoonSafe
- Loon Preservation Committee FAQs and Loons and Lead Poisoning – Loon Preservation Committee
- Tufts School of Verterinarian Medicine Lead Poisoning Lead Poisoning – Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
- Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation Fishing Line Recycling Program — Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation (adkloon.org)
- Minnesota Lead-Free for Loons Minnesota to pitch anglers on going lead-free for loons | MPR News
- Montana DNRC Invasive Species YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/tyR-xO3jNC0
Loon Ranger
- DNR – Loon Rangers (michigan.gov)
- MT FWP Common Loon Conservation Plan: Nongame Wildlife | Montana FWP (mt.gov) (Under Conservation, click on Wildlife Management, and then on Common Loon)
Montana Field Guide
- Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks Fieldguide. Common Loon – Montana Field Guide (mt.gov)
Common Loon Images Provided by:
@Daniel Poleschook, Jr. and Virginia R. Poleschook